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quest:in:time (music project est. Jan 2017 until present)

"Ode to the Flow" dance and music with Peter Lay at First Night 2017, VT (Dec 2016)

Pax Americana performance with music and art by Kenno Apatrida in Berlin (Sept 2016)

Catharsis in the Park workshop-performance in Berlin (Sept 2016)

the ZOID workshop-performance at Garbicz Festival (Aug 2016)

Performance w Passiflora at Voodoohop Party in Berlin (July 2016)

Rebellious Spirits costumes and performance (Oct 2015)

Workhop-Performances at 3000grad and Dockville (Aug 2015)

The Vinyl Hat (created summer 2015 and used in many performances with Voodoohop since then)

the Person Beside performance at La Betto Lab in Berlin (July 2015)

Chop Case performance  at La Betto Lab in Berlin (May 2015)

"Longing" dance at First Night 2015, VT (Dec 2014)

"In Us" dance and costumes in Berlin (Dec 2013)

Teaching Dance in China (Sept 2012-July 2013)

Tropic Apocalyptic with Lolita Terrorist Sounds performance in Berlin (Aug 2012, Oct-Nov 2014)

internship with Juliane König Berlin (Sept-Dec 2011)

POWER MOVES FOREVER QUEST at Transmodern Festival in Baltimore, MD (April 2011)

"the arrival of the unknown" performance and video "Breathing Birth" in Baltimore, MD (Feb 2011)

effervescent street performance in Baltimore, MD (Aug 2010)

Wartscape and Artscape with ineveryroom in Baltimore, MD (July 2010)

Dirty Dancin' in Baltimore, MD (March 2010)

"the restless many" performance in Baltimore, MD (May 2009)

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